The rules of ITACPC are inspired by the ICPC regional contest rules with some changes and additions since it's an online contest.

Rules as of October 11th, 2024

  • The competition is open to students who are currently enrolled in a Laurea Triennale or Laurea Magistrale course in an Italian university.
  • It's possible to participate either individually or as part of a team. A team should be formed by at least 1 and at most 3 students. A team represents a university, therefore all members of the team must be enrolled at the same university. Please note that it's forbidden to collaborate with anyone who is not part of your team.
  • The allowed programming languages for this edition are: C, C++, Python3, Java, JavaScript and Kotlin.
  • During the contest, each team member can access the contest platform and submit independently, using their individual username and password, which will be provided via email (and will also be visible from the "My Profile" section of the Team Registration page) shortly before the start of the contest.
  • Each problem is pass/fail. Participants are ranked by the number of solved problems, breaking ties by penalty (sum of time + 20 minutes per wrong submission, for all solved problems). Time is rounded to minutes.
  • It's permitted to use code snippets found online as long as the source is mentioned in the code (adding a comment with a URL is fine). Re-using an entire solution, for example, is not allowed.

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